New Student Orientation
New Student Orientation, 在秋季和春季学期开始之前提供, 为新生提供有用的信息和资源,以确保他们顺利过渡到大学.
- 获得对学院的简要介绍;
- learn about academic and student support services; activities, clubs and organizations; and college athletics;
- 被介绍到WIReD(一个基于网络的工具)来完成和跟踪课程注册, financial aid, 日程安排和账单支付), D2L Brightspace(在线学习平台)等学生在线资源;
- 获得学院身份证,并与学院卫生服务人员一起管理免疫记录.
我们要求学生自己参加新生介绍会,因为介绍会的重点是关于他们在大学的成功. 转学生,家长和家庭被邀请参加一个 学生服务资讯日 了解更多推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜和学生的资源.
Who Needs to Participate
进入学位或证书课程的新生需要参加新生迎新活动, 包括新高中毕业生和高中毕业后没有上大学的人(或获得GED/HSE). 一旦学生被大学录取,在完成或被免除学业分班测试后,就会被邀请参加.
Transfer students and students enrolling in the following programs are required to attend the program-based orientation events instead of New Student Orientation: Dental Assisting; Dental Hygiene; Mortuary Science; Nursing; Paramedic certificate and Surgical Technology programs.
How to Participate
被秋季学期录取的学生将被邀请注册参加二月份开始的迎新活动. 那些被春季学期录取的学生将被邀请注册参加十月份开始的迎新活动. 迎新活动大约需要两个小时,一经邀请,学生必须注册参加.
- 如需参加现场培训,请使用 新生入学登记表 to schedule your session.
- Orientation in an online format is available for students who: live more than one hour from campus; are enrolled in an online program; have extenuating circumstances which prevent them from attending in person. 如需在线咨询,请与我们联系 (请注明您的全名和出生日期)或致电(518)629-7705.
Get Started
Get in Touch
Orientation Site
Amstuz Hall, Room 201